Once more: whither the Church of England? | Psephizo

More wishful thinking by the Church of England. As statistics show that the church has grown in numbers since Covid in 2020 – about 5%, this means all is well.

However as Ian Paul points out the overall picture is one of decline.

I wonder why.

There are several self-inflicted reasons;.

Dioceses and central bodies continue to pile uneccessary stuff on parishes who are struggling to get volunteers e.g Churchwardens.

Virtue-signalling policies from on high which are very expensive. Here are two. The first is Net Zero 2030 where all parishes are expected to be so by 2030. It will bankrupt some churches. For many the best way would be to demolish the Grade 1 listed building and replace it with two concrete garages end-to-end.

Secondly, reparations for slavery which could be either £100 million or a billion. It was only in 1835 that slavery was banned and Anglicans were in the forefront of abolition. I also don’t think any slave-owners from 1830 are still alive.

Thirdly, there is a mad rush for all church bodies to divest from fossil fuels despite all scenarios showing fossil fuels will be used after 2050.

All this undermines the credibility of the Church of England resulting in loss of income and attendance

Anyway I would like reparations for descendants of coal-miners!!

Now read Ian on the subject.

Source: Once more: whither the Church of England? | Psephizo

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