Answers in Genesis answers the question “Who am I?”

For over thirty years Answers in Genesis has been a leading force in Young Earth Creationism. It was founded by an Australian Ken Ham, who is slowly stepping down, and handing over the reins of leadership. His anointed successor is Martin Iles, who is too extreme for many conservative Australian Christians.

Book cover

Iles, wrote a book on human identity “Who am I?” to expound his viewpoint, which from a right wing perspective is extremely right wing!

Paul Braterman, whose writings on creationism are always thoroughly researched and seek to criticise rather than to knock, has written a review.

Rightly he notes a change in emphasis. Previous creationists, whether Ken Ham, Henry Morris or even McCready Price focussed on trying to demolish the science with very limited success. Iles takes a different approach and focusses on social issues which concern many (some of which both Paul and I share!). By doing this he presses the right button for many conservative Christians and puts everything from challenging post-modernism and gender identity to the stolen presidential election in one bag and leaves the “science” of creationism for later. This will be persuasive for some  and divisive for others.

Ultimately the book is a subtle or crass appeal for an extreme creationist fundamentalism under the guise of moral concern. I think it will appeal to many concerned evangelicals but is no better than what they reject. This is a continuation of Henry Morris’s old idea that evolution is the cause of all morals ills today, but I presume that does not include genocide, slavery, corruption, rape or anything else!!

I have not read the book but Paul is thorough in all his research. I would be happy to receive a free copy!

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