Category Archives: Young Earth Creationism

Sewage problem’s on Noah’s ark

Did Noah really take every animal on the ark from woodworm to T.Rex? Most people would laugh at that from the age of eight of so. The ark is a great toy with models of various animals especially lions and giraffes.

Belief in an ark with eight people and lots of creatures was rejected by most well over two hundred years ago. My oldest book, Catcott on the Deluge, was published in 1768, and posits that all the strata were laid down in the Deluge and Noah took a big zoo on board. He also took an extra 200 sheep “for the rapacious beasts”. Catcott was almost the last of the diluvial scholars who thrived in the 17th century, until a little geology washed away their ideas.

Yet many, throughout the world, still believe all this and has come to the fore in the last 60 years, starting in the USA and then being exported to the rest of the world. It is not limited to the wacky end of evangelicals , but we even have the speaker of the House in the USA, large numbers of evangelicals in Britain, some Church of England vicars etc.

In this blog “Toilet train your Tyrannosaur”  Paul Braterman turns his meticulous scholarship onto contemporary creationist ideas on Noah’s Ark, and the absurdities that entails.

There is excellent toilet humour on how Noah could muck out the ark and cites a book which deals with the problem of shit. Woodmorappe Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study (ICR, 1996).

Apparently Noah and family both trained animals to pooh on command and had an excellent sewage disposal system. When I think about it, I never know whether to laugh or cry! Woodmorappe also wrote a long expose of 1000 false radiometric age dates on rocks. I started to check out each and every one, but after I checked 100 and found each was misrepresented I gave up. It was clear that either he was clueless or just dishonest.

It is so much simply just to accept all of modern science.

Anyway just read Paul on dinosaur toilet training and see how laughable young earth creationism is. To many it also makes the Christian Faith laughable, which is not a good thing

And Paul’s blog.

The Changing two faces of Answers in Genesis

The leading young earth creationist organisation is the multi-million pound venture Answers in Genesis founded by Ken Ham over thirty years ago.

Ham, an Australian, hasn’t recently partially retired and handed over to another Australian. AIG is dogmatic on the earth being a few thousand years old and dismiss any Christian who dares to believe that the earth is millions or billions is a compromiser i.e a heretic, and brooks no dissent. Their arguments are dubious and duplicitous.Yet too many think their approach is wonderful, including some Church of England churches and their vicars. The latter get riled when you question them!!

After a short introduction Joel Duff gives a good expose on a podcast