How big would a wind farm need to be to power London?

That will change the face of London

Carbon Counter

I get rather frequent traffic to a piece I once wrote called “How many wind turbines would it take to power the UK?”

There are multiple varients of the google search that have led people to reading the piece. Most strange are those who interested in finding out how big a wind farm would need to be to power a fun fair. Don’t ask.

Others are clearly searching google to find the answers to a question asked by a high school teacher. The sudden influx of almost identically worded google referrals is the giveaway.

But one question that people appear to want to know the answer to is of genuine interest, and the answer is very uninformative of the deep challenges we would face if we attempted to transition to a be a predominantly wind powered society.

How many wind turbines would it take to power London? Or perhaps more revealing:…

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