Is Genesis History: Digging for Truth and Coming up Empty-Handed

A good detailed exposee of some creationist arguments.

You can do it on any but it takes a lot of time checking the details and so gets tedious.

However I have never found a creationist argument which cannot be taken down like this

Naturalis Historia

Please welcome Lars Cade* as a guest blogger on Naturalis Historia.
I am a Christian currently studying to become a paleontologist. While I still have much more that I need to learn before I could properly consider myself one, I know enough of the discipline to know when it is being misrepresented. Unfortunately, the young-earth creationism (YEC) documentary-style film Is Genesis History? (IGH) portrays paleontology (and the other disciplines it highlights) extremely inaccurately, despite conducting interviews with (among others) two paleontologists.

Heterodontosaurus, one of the fossils featured in the film Is Genesis history

Consider this clip, which was shared on IGH’s Facebook page shortly after the release of the film, taken from a segment in which Del Tackett, the host of the film, interviews Dr. Art Chadwick, a taphonomist.

A taphonomist is a paleontologist who studies the process of death and fossilization

In just over two minutes…

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