Category Archives: cathedrals

The Bishop and his pet dinosaur

I love the idea of a bishop having a pet dinosaur. Can you imagine the bishop taking his dino for a walk on lead? But he would have to live in a very big house or even a castle. Perhaps to be safe the bishop lived in a house like this;

Palin Claimed Humans And Dinosaurs Coexisted (campaign, political, leader,  election) - Elections - Page 3 - City-Data Forum

This is Rose Castle where the Bishops of Carlisle lived from 1230 to 2009. It would have space for a dinosaur. It seems reasonable as there are dinosaurs on the tomb of Bishop Bell who died in 1496 and was buried in Carlisle Cathedral.

Some may scoff at this but it has been put forward in all seriousness. So let’s consider it very carefully, and claims of dinosaur petroglyphs in Utah, which a science professor at Leeds University visited and wrote about..  

Every child loves dinosaurs and some people never grow out of it. Ever since they were first discovered over 200 years ago they have held a fascination for so many. For over 200 years all geologists have been aware that they went extinct millions of years before humans appeared on the scene. One of the most notable dinosaur hunters was Mary Anning of Lyme Regis, who was held in very high esteem by geologists like Murchison and the Revs William Conybeare and William Buckland. It was Richard Owen who dubbed them dinosaurs or terrible lizards in 1841, the year before Darwin wrote his first essay on evolution.

Roll on 150 years and it is clear that dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago, most probably due to a meteor going splat in Mexico. Some suggested they got over-constipated! For two hundred years it has been well-known and beyond doubt that dinosaurs went extinct ant the end of the Cretaceous period, but Young earth Creationists insist that they not, and the Bishop’s dinosaur is part of that story.

Young Earth Creationists insist that the earth is only a few thousand years old and all these geologists have simply got it wrong! They hold that dinosaurs lived alongside humans and were probably present on Noah’s Ark.  This is repeated time and again in creationist books and across when I read The Genesis Flood, the book that launched creationism in 1961. There was a long section on alleged human footprints alongside those of dinosaurs at Paluxy in Texas. In fact the human-looking footprints were embellished by some in the 1930s. Most creationists have since rejected the claims but they still crop up like a bad penny.

Severe drought reveals dinosaur tracks from 113 million years ago in Texas  | ITV News

However Creationists insist humans lived with dinosaurs and were even on the Ark. For size considerations Noah only took a pair of baby diplodicuses. Ken Ham wrote a book about them living in the Garden of Eden. Poor Adam must have had fun naming them.

A book for sale at the Ark Encounter gift shop. You can see on the cover that the felines all came from a single common ancestor cat on the Ark.51gBlHMEfwL__SS500_

Some tens years ago a creationist church distributed books to a primary school in Scotland with pictures of triceratops towing a cart! The second photo is of an exhibit at the Creation Museum!


This is the nearest we have on contemporary life forms co-existing with ancient life. A rabbit in the Cambrian Burgess Shale!!!!!!!!  It this were so geology and evolution are dead!!

1527111_10202788325659784_1680438_n - Copy

[Two articles on the Paluxy footprints]

So far my examples have been American, but now for two British ones. Creationism is not as strong in Britain as in USA, but it is common among evangelicals, especially of those outside “older” denominations and in “evangelical” denominations. They form a small minority in the Church of England. Some are university lecturers in engineering or science. I will consider two creationists. The first is Phillip Bell, who is a biology graduate and works for CMI (Creation Ministries International) who claimed that Bishop Bell’s 1496 tomb at Carlisle cathedral has dinosaurs on it. The other is Prof Andy McIntosh D.Sc of Leeds university who claims some petroglyphs in Utah are of dinosaurs.

 Phillip Bell and the Bishop’s Dinosaur

Bishop Bell was bishop of Carlisle  and died in 1496 at the age of 86. He was buried in the cathedral. He is buried in a magnificent tomb with unusual brass plates. These Bell thinks are dinosaurs


Actually, several Old Testament writers were inspired to mention dragons12 and the book of Job (chapters 40 and 41) describes two impressive creatures—behemoth and leviathan—which are unlike any living creatures today, but sound very like dinosaurs. What is more, stories of large and/or frightening reptilian creatures (often referred to as dragons) abound from cultures all over the world.13

Today, due to the modern evolutionary belief that no dinosaurs survived beyond the so-called Cretaceous (an alleged 65 million years ago), most people disregard all of this evidence as mere myths and legends, while ignoring the clear teaching of the Bible. To the unprejudiced mind, however, Bishop Bell’s ‘brass behemoths’ suggest that at least some such creatures were alive and well in the Middle Ages.

However, the existence of dinosaur motifs from this period presents no problem to the person who accepts what the Bible clearly implies—that people were once contemporary with dinosaurs. No doubt many would have us believe that the Renaissance artisan made up a beast that, by pure coincidence, just happens to look like a dinosaur.

Unless this is an elaborate forgery17 (which is highly unlikely, considering its location!), it represents further evidence that the standard evolutionary dogma concerning dinosaurs and their supposed 65-million-year-old extinction is just plain wrong.

We cannot say that these are definitely dinosaurs as they are too vague. I suppose a good imagination and sound teaching in a church might persuade you otherwise. Bell uses an argument from special pleading. He writes”Today, due to the modern evolutionary belief that no dinosaurs survived beyond the so-called Cretaceous (an alleged 65 million years ago),…” This is aimed at his readers and has no scientific content. It is not due to “modern evolutionary belief” as geologists were aware long before Darwin in 1859 that dinosaurs were long extinct and had been since the end of the Cretaceous, later dated at 65 my. We just need to consider the fossils found by Mary Anning in Dorset in the 1820s. They were studied by such geologists as Murchison, Cuvier and the Revs William Conybeare and William Buckland. None of those four accepted evolution. and are better described as creationists and old earth. This is rather misleading of Bell. 

His use of the poetry of Job is simply bad interpretation. The poetic description could be any large animal or none. The tail may not be a tail but an item of male anatomy!

Bell dismisses it being a forgery. Rightly so as it is simply the imagination of the artist, but it was a time of belief in dragons. To claim this is further evidence against evolutionary dogma is simply risible.


Andy McIntosh D.Sc and dinosaur petroglyphs in Utah

My other example is from a science professor at a leading university. McIntosh was a Professor of Thermodynamics and  Combustion Theory (hot air?) at Leeds University until 2014 and has had a distinguished career in that field. He is a Young Earth Creationist and has written widely on the subject

He wrote Genesis for Today, an exposition of early Genesis, with some “scientific” appendices striving to show how real science supports a literal Genesis. It was first published in 1997 and has gone through six editions. His treatment of geology leaves much to be desired and is simply inaccurate and full of misrepresentation. This is not what one would expect from a science professor. His treatment of geology includes many howlers and whoppers, which might be acceptable for a teenager but not a leading science professor. I would like to know how he made them. He told me he rejects my charges.

 In 2006 McIntosh visited the fantastic parks in Utah as we also did in 2013. He, like us, visited Kachina Natural Bridge and Bryce Canyon. At Kachina Bridge he saw the “dinosaur” petroglyph, which is faint in this photo.

Dinosaur petroglyph

He wrote “The petroglyph of a sauropod dinosaur clearly has important implications—indicating that dinosaurs were indeed known to men after the Flood until they eventually died out and became (apparently) extinct.” and then puts it on a par with Bishop Bell’s dinos. He concluded;

This evidence of dinosaurs with man in relatively recent times is indirect evidence of the Flood, as it shows the fallacy of millions of years of gradual geological change being responsible for the rock record. The Flood explains the rocks and the fossil dinosaurs much better, and the Bible‘s history explains the existence of men and dinosaurs at the same time.

This is face-palmingly daft! Neither give any evidence whatsoever. Further as I wrote above his understanding of geology is dire. I am baffled how someone with a D.Sc. can believe such things.

His university published an understated disclaimer of his views in 2006, reported in the Guardian, during the brouhaha over Truth in Science;

Not surprisingly, therefore, the university has issued an official disclaimer: “Professor Andrew McIntosh’s directorship of Truth in Science, and his promotion of that organisation’s views, are unconnected to his teaching or research [here]… The university wishes to distance itself publicly from theories of creationism and so-called intelligent design, which cannot be verified by evidence.”

I am willing to say that some bishops are dinosaurs but not that any bishop had a pet dinosaur or ever saw a living one. All this is fantabulising by Young Earth Creationists and brings ridicule on themselves and sadly on all Christians.


Can we describe God as ‘she’? Does it matter? | Psephizo

In these day of gender muddle and mix-up, some want to say God is a SHE and recently Hereford Cathedral put on a rendering of Psalm 23 with She instead of He.

It’s a bit daft and desperately trying to be relevant. It seems that some can’t see that God is above sex and God as Father is a metaphor.

Here, as usual, Ian Paul savages the ecclesiastical muddle and obsession about sex!

Needless to say, some don’t like his blog, but I do. Maybe I am simply an MCP!!

I suppose it is Queer Theory applied to a Shepherd but I can’t imagine a sheherd getting confused between Tups and Ewes!

Source: Can we describe God as ‘she’? Does it matter? | Psephizo

The Welsh Dragon—sorry the Welsh Dinosaur. Yr Draig Goch; or yr deinosor gwirion

As I lived in Wales for many years we got used to flying the Welsh flag  – a red dragon. It now seems that it was not a dragon but a dinosaur as Dr  Brian Thomas. who has a Ph.D. in paleobiochemistry from Liverpool University demonstrates in this blog for the Institute for Creation Research.

He had visited St David’s cathedral in west Wales and found a carving of a dinosaur Brachytrachelopan mesai  on a misericord as he describes below. (I lifted the blog to save you the effort of opening it!)  As befits a Ph D from one of our leading universities with a great geology department (where I gave lectures on the glories of creationism many years ago) Thomas discusses the possibility of it being a dinosaur in a very scientific way (nagadi) and considers whether it could have been the imagination of the woodcarver. However he shows that was not the case and that there were dinosaurs in wales at that time. Unfortunately the welsh velociraptors (known in welsh as diogyn – the fastest animal on earth) had died out before 1280, otherwise  Llywelyn ap Gruffydd, would have used them with great effect against Edward I of England. Not even his longshanks would has escaped them! This is a great pity, although we would not have Conwy or Caernarfon castles today.



If they had survived and Edward paid homage to LLywelyn, other dinos could have helped to build the castles as the had Stonehenge just after Noah’s flood


The welsh have an excellent term to describe this high quality intellectual reasoning;

cachu rwtsh

The more I read this article, the more I am convinced by it and support his last sentence

This remarkable art forces a rethink of secular dinosaur doctrines but happens to fit perfectly with a biblical view of dinosaurs.

There is more too this, as  Phillip Bell of Creation ministries Internation found representations of dinosaurs in Carlisle cathedral.  These show that in the Lake District dinos were still alive and well in the 15th century. I am convinced that the then Bishop of Carlisle had a pet dinosaur  and thus it was put on his tomb to remind subsequent generations of his love of dinosaurs.

These two episcopal examples show conclusively that dinosaurs were roaming Britain less than a thousand years ago. Wales has been better at keeping the memories alive, but the Church of England and the Church of England have hopelessly compromised themselves on the truth of biblical creation.

I call upon the Archbishop of Wales, and his counterparts in York and Canterbury, to repent and publicise and preach the truth of Biblical Creation and to lead the Anglican Churches away from heresy.

This would be a much belated recognition of the wonderful work of Henry Morris, whose name indicates his Welsh ancestry


Source: St. Davids Dragon—Fantasy or Reality?

From The Institute of Creation Research, San Diego

My early memories of dinosaur teachings reflected the doctrine of their extinction 65 million years ago and the evolution of mankind only several million years ago. If that really happened, then our ancestors who lived before the scientific study of fossils should have had no knowledge of dinosaurs or similar creatures like pterosaurs and ichthyosaurs.

Certain pieces of ancient artwork appear to show just the opposite. I grabbed an opportunity to examine one such piece—a carved wooden dragon—found in St. Davids Cathedral in Wales. The ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History in Dallas displays a picture of this intriguing dragon art.

St. Davids Cathedral, Wales
Image credit: Brian Thomas

My wife and I visited the cathedral situated in picturesque Pembrokeshire, a far western headland of Wales. Religious buildings have occupied the site for a millennium. The current cathedral had its last big refurbishment in the 1800s, about 400 years after a major late-medieval upgrade, when the dragon-art piece was crafted. We ascended the slope-floored main area to several smaller chapels in the back.

One chapel featured folding seats called misericords. Each one is attached to a tall, straight-backed, dark, ornately carved wooden slot. They line three walls like a series of serene sentinels. Whereas medieval artists represented ecclesiastical themes with reverence, they brought a measure of whimsy to scenes, faces, and animals carved on the underside of each solid oak seat. When the seats are folded up, each carving is visible.

Image credit: Brian Thomas

One misericord shows a dinosaur look-alike. Its overall anatomy resembles the sauropod dinosaurs known from fossils, with longer hind legs than front legs. These long-necked, extinct reptiles typify Jurassic rock layers. This one’s neck is not nearly as long in proportion to its main body as the more familiar sauropods like Diplodocus. Lest someone say its neck looks too short for the carving to represent any real sauropod, its neck length closely matches that of a dinosaur fossil found in Argentina in 2005 named Brachytrachelopan mesai.1

Two of the carving’s body details—small wings and ears—don’t match what fossils suggest.2 Like some modern cartoon dragons, these wings make no biological sense. The creature’s body would be far too massive for such tiny wings to support it in flight. Do these misfit features disqualify the piece from representing a real animal? It depends.

Image credit: Copyright © M. Hattori. Used in accordance with federal copyright (fair use doctrine) law. Usage by ICR does not imply endorsement of copyright holder.

We first must ask if the unknown artist could have imagined by chance this particular animal form. The pure imagination hypothesis would explain the wacky wings, but it wouldn’t explain the long neck, long tail, legs positioned beneath a barrel-shaped body instead of straddle-legged like modern lizards, small head with sauropod-shaped mouth, and reptilian frills along its spine. When placed on a biology balance, the weight of creature features favors the idea that the artist somehow knew what sauropods looked like. If so, then he or she knew this centuries before scientists began to describe them from fossils.

This eyewitness hypothesis would benefit from an explanation of the ears and especially the wings. Until someone uncovers an ancient artist’s notebook that explains particular stylistic choices, we must reason it out. Medieval dragon depictions across Europe very often include wings. Perhaps artists placed wings on their large reptilian forms to identify them as dragons. In medieval Europe, the word dragon referred to reptiles. The St. Davids sauropod may represent a real, though extinct, reptile with imaginary body parts added on purpose. How could this happen?

If flying dragons were more widely known than fen-dwelling (wetland) dragons, then the artist could have added the flying serpent’s familiar wings to a lesser-known land dragon body just to make sure the viewer knew the creature was a reptile. Evidence that ancient inhabitants of the United Kingdom were familiar with flying dragons that we know today as pterosaurs would bolster this supposition. One sober 18th-century Scottish account reads:

In the end of November and beginning of December last, many of the country people observed…dragons…appearing in the north and flying rapidly towards the east, from which they concluded, and their conjectures were right, that…boisterous weather would follow.3

And according to an approximately 19th-century Welsh anecdote, “the woods around Penllyne Castle, Glamorgan, had the reputation of being frequented by winged serpents, and these were the terror of old and young alike.”4 If flying dragons hadn’t yet been eradicated from the UK by the 1700s, then the animals must have been around to terrorize old and young long before then—for example, in medieval times when the St. Davids carvers lived.

Whoever would reject the wings-equal-dragon hypothesis still needs to explain the wealth of short-necked sauropod-specific anatomy on the St. Davids misericord. The larger weight of evidence lies on the side of artists who had some measure of eyewitness knowledge of their subject matter. This remarkable art forces a rethink of secular dinosaur doctrines but happens to fit perfectly with a biblical view of dinosaurs.5


  1. Creation researcher Vance Nelson connected the carving to this fossil in his book Dire Dragons. Nelson, V. 2012. Dire Dragons. Red Deer, Canada: Untold Secrets of Planet Earth Publishing Co.
  2. A third detail—webbed feet—could have represented a wetland habitat.
  3. Flying Dragons at Aberdeen. 1793. A Statistical Account of Scotland. 6: 467. Quoted in Cooper, B. 1995. After the Flood. Chichester, UK: New Wine Press, 141.
  4. Trevelyan, M. 1973. Folk-Lore and Folk-Stories of Wales. Yorkshire, UK: EP Publishing Limited, 169. The passage adds on page 170: “An aged inhabitant of Penllyne, who died a few years ago, said that in his boyhood the winged serpents were described as very beautiful….This old man attributed the extinction of winged serpents to the fact that they were ‘terrors in the farmyards and coverts.’”
  5. God created dinosaurs when He “made the beast of the earth according to its kind” (Genesis 1:25). Noah’s Flood fossilized many of them, when “all flesh died that moved on the earth: birds and cattle and beasts and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth” (Genesis 7:21). Some dinosaurs presumably survived the Flood on board Noah’s Ark, where “they went into the ark to Noah, two by two, of all flesh in which is the breath of life” (Genesis 7:15). Centuries later, God told Job, “Look now at the behemoth….He moves his tail like a cedar,” probably indicating a sauropod living near where “the Jordan [River] gushes” (Job 40:15-23). These and many other historical records challenge evolutionary beliefs about dinosaur extinction.

* Dr. Thomas is Research Associate at the Institute for Creation Research and earned his Ph.D. in paleobiochemistry from the University of Liverpool.

Cite this article: Brian Thomas, Ph.D. 2019. St. Davids Dragon—Fantasy or Reality?Acts & Facts. 48 (11).
